Our Privacy Policy

Digital Vista Technologies LLC is fully committed to maintaining your privacy while visiting our web site. Any information provided to us will remain secure. digitalvistatech.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of sites linked to or from this website. digitalvistatech.com reserves the right to display its works without prior permission if it is not part of written agreement.

Collection of Information
digitalvistatech.com does not collect personal information without your knowledge or consent during any visit to our web site. As a visitor, any information you provide to us remains strictly confidential. Your name and e-mail address are never shared with third parties.

All email communication from digitalvistatech.com includes the suffix digitalvistatech.com. Any files transmitted from digitalvistatech.com are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received an email in error please notify us immediately.

Changes to the Policy
digitalvistatech.com reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. We request that you review this policy often for updates. Questions or Suggestions Please, for questions related to our Privacy Policy, please contact us for more information. This web site may provide links to external web sites maintained by individuals or organizations outside digitalvistatech.com Thanks again for visiting our website.